Lend A Helping Hand
To Someone In Need
This amount guarantees that someone who put their life on the line for what you have today can come back, even after many years, to be balanced, joyful and purposeful in this life. Many Veterans and first responders have seen things you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. They wake in sweats with memories in nightmares, they battle anger and depression that seems to swallow them whole and wreck their relationships with people who can't understand and they do their best to swallow this in their lives and move on with limited income, resources and support.
Choose this option as a tax deductible way to rescue the rescuer. They will receive a complete map of their brain, targeted neurofeedback on areas of injury and PTSD, nutrition & individualized supplementation, connections in the community and life coaching to bring them back to their hero self in this world. When they are revitalized, relationships saved, brain working for them again and happy, they can choose to give back to the next Rescuer or to simply be incredible in the remaining time they have on earth. This person will be incredibly grateful for your sponsorship. It changes the way people see other people when you give.
12 Heroes per year; you will receive letters of thank you from those you helped and a framed sponsorship plaque for your office or home
Suicide and the depression/anxiety that teens feel in this era is unmet by any other time in history that we know of. If you can save one life by giving him or her a perspective, a purpose, a refocus on what it means to be alive in this world and how much they can do, wouldn't you?
Teen Mission is designed to not only give the teen counseling, community and brain support in the most natural means, but this program will also put them to work. In addition to EEG guided brain retraining, coaching and searching for the cause to the imbalance that leads to self destruction and thinking that this is the only way, pain will also subside in refocusing on missions. These missions will help the elderly, the lonely, impoverished children and disabled veterans, reviving the phrase, "When you feel helpless, help someone."
When a woman is going through trauma and abusive relationships, she is in a state of panic. This panic decreases our ability to think straight, it's disorienting and confusing. Underlying the trauma and victimization, there may be other beliefs, behaviors and neurological programming that we can change quickly. Give her a way to blossom through the trauma and rise up through the ashes like the Phoenix she can become and watch the incredible change she can create in the world.
Give someone who's jobless, homeless, struggling with addiction or just in need a little bump. This buys them nutrients every day; a little more energy, a little more happiness and a little more calm. We choose the most important supplement or treatment necessary to give him or her what is needed to take the reins themselves and be the change they need to make. We partner with churches and community outreach organizations to bring this asset to those in need who are actively trying to better their lives.
This program is for children who go beyond watching hero movies and grow the hero within! Secret missions, training, discipline, and a commitment to make the world a better place. Confidence, empathy and strength are found in the Hero's Journey. Each child starts with a Hero Box and tools to get them started... and the rest, well, the story is being written.
You can do a lot of money later, but for now, just give a little something every month and together, we can change everything... and you can say you were in it from the beginning.
Sometimes you have more time than money; come join us! We have endless missions and purpose for you to fill to enable us to do more for all the people listed above. Submit your resume, your passions and your desired hours per week to info@thecloverclinic.com
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